WHOA. so today i was doing my stand up rountine in the cafeteria, right? like i do every thursday. just tellin' some jokes trying to get some ass, literally i just try to convince people to let me touch their ass. and then after the show some chick comes up to me and tells me about how she was offended by my labia jokes. and i was like "i didn't tell any labia jokes today," and she was all "yeah i know, you told them last year, i have just finished collecting my thoughts on them." and then she was all "i have a labia and i am a bitchy mcCranky-pants. blah blah blah. you suck. blah blah blah. i'm a whore that can't face my own problems and get mad at everything. well subtract everything and just leave you and that's who i am going to take my anger out at. i lead such a sad pathetic life that i took the time to record and research every joke you made. blah blah blah." and then i was all "can i touch your ass?" and that whore-bag let me.
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