so my mom gave me a new retainer for the festival of lights. its purple with sparkles. and i was wearing it in hebrew class today and someone called me a homosexual. i ran into the bathroom and started crying, only to find it was actually the teacher's lounge. then someone pantsed me. i didn't see who did it because of all the tears. so i rode my bike over to the orthodontist and tried to exchange my retainer for store credit, it was a no go.
when i came home mom asked what was wrong and i explained my predictament. she called the mother of the boy who called me a homo, and the mother explained that her son called me a faggot because he could see that i was wearing women's panties. mom quickly hung up and apologized to me for getting our laundry mixed up. i told her i hated her and never wanted to speak to her again and that i wished she would die and that dad was right to walk out on her. she started crying and i threw a knife at her.
but all in all it was a good day because i can keep the retainer i have so desperately wanted.
when i came home mom asked what was wrong and i explained my predictament. she called the mother of the boy who called me a homo, and the mother explained that her son called me a faggot because he could see that i was wearing women's panties. mom quickly hung up and apologized to me for getting our laundry mixed up. i told her i hated her and never wanted to speak to her again and that i wished she would die and that dad was right to walk out on her. she started crying and i threw a knife at her.
but all in all it was a good day because i can keep the retainer i have so desperately wanted.
You man, whenever my mom talks back to me, I jsut slap her. It puts her in her place, and just feels good on your hand.
And about that guy calling you out fo the closet, I say you have gay sex with him, that'll teach him a lesson.
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